Source code for skycalc_ipy.ui

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Skyclc IPY user interface."""

import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime as dt

import yaml
import numpy as np

from astropy import units as u
from import fits

from astar_utils import get_logger

from .core import AlmanacQuery, SkyModel

__all__ = ["SkyCalc"]

# TODO: this isn't used, but something VERY similar is done in core......
observatory_dict = {
    "lasilla": "2400",
    "paranal": "2640",
    "3060m": "3060",
    "armazones": "3060",
    "5000m": "5000",
    "highanddry": "5000",

PATH_HERE = Path(__file__).parent
logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class SkyCalc: """Main UI class.""" def __init__(self, ipt_str=None): if ipt_str is None: ipt_str = PATH_HERE / "params.yaml" params = load_yaml(ipt_str) self.defaults = {pp: params[pp][0] for pp in params} self.values = {pp: params[pp][0] for pp in params} self.data_type = {pp: params[pp][1] for pp in params} self.check_type = {pp: params[pp][2] for pp in params} self.allowed = {pp: params[pp][3] for pp in params} self.comments = {pp: params[pp][4] for pp in params} self.last_skycalc_response = None
[docs] def print_comments(self, *param_names): """Print descriptions of parameters. Print all if no names given.""" param_names = param_names or list(self.comments.keys()) maxkeylen = len(max(param_names, key=len)) for pname in param_names: comment = self.comments.get(pname, "<parameter not found>") print(f"{pname:>{maxkeylen}} : {comment}")
[docs] def validate_params(self): """Check allowed range for parameters.""" invalid_keys = [] for key in self.values: if self.check_type[key] == "no_check" or self.defaults[key] is None: continue if self.check_type[key] in {"range", "nearest"}: if ( self.values[key] < self.allowed[key][0] or self.values[key] > self.allowed[key][-1] ): invalid_keys.append(key) if self.check_type[key] == "nearest": nearest = np.argmin(np.abs(self.allowed[key] - self.values[key])) self.values[key] = self.allowed[key][nearest] elif self.check_type[key] in {"choice", "flag"}: if self.values[key] not in self.allowed[key]: invalid_keys.append(key) elif self.check_type[key] == "greater_than": if self.values[key] < self.allowed[key]: invalid_keys.append(key) if invalid_keys: logger.warning("The following entries are invalid:") for key in invalid_keys: logger.warning("'%s' : %s : %s", key, self.values[key], self.comments[key]) return not invalid_keys
[docs] def get_almanac_data( self, ra, dec, date=None, mjd=None, observatory=None, update_values=False, ): """Query ESO Almanac with given parameters.""" if date is None and mjd is None: raise ValueError("Either date or mjd must be set") result = get_almanac_data( ra=ra, dec=dec, date=date, mjd=mjd, observatory=observatory ) if update_values: self.values.update(result) return result
[docs] def get_sky_spectrum(self, return_type="table", filename=None): """ Retrieve a fits.HDUList object from the SkyCalc server. The HDUList can be returned in a variety of formats. As of v0.1.3 the HDUList is no longer saved to disk. Rather it is stored in the attribute <SkyCalc>.last_skycalc_response. Parameters ---------- return_type : str ["table", "array", "synphot", "fits"] filename : str, optional Default None. If not None, the returned fits.HDUList object is saved to disk under this path. Returns ------- Based on the return type, the method returns either: - "table": tbl_return (astropy.Table) - "array": wave, trans, flux (3x np.ndarray) - "synphot": trans, flux (SpectralElement, SourceSpectrum,) - "fits": hdu (HDUList) """ from astropy import table if not self.validate_params(): raise ValueError( "Object contains invalid parameters. Not calling ESO") skm = SkyModel() skm(**self.values) self.last_skycalc_response = if filename is not None: skm.write(filename) tbl = if tbl["lam"].unit is None: tbl["lam"].unit = # Set formatting to reasonable precision tbl["lam"].format = "%.2f" tbl["trans"].format = "%.5f" tbl["flux"].format = "%.3f" for colname in tbl.colnames: if "flux" in colname: # Somehow, astropy doesn't quite parse the unit correctly. # Still, we shouldn't blindly overwrite it, so at least check. funit = tbl[colname].unit if str(funit) not in ("ph/s/m2/micron/arcsec2", "None"): raise ValueError(f"Unexpected flux unit: {funit}") tbl[colname].unit = u.Unit("ph s-1 m-2 um-1 arcsec-2") date_created ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") meta_data = { "DESCRIPT": "Sky transmission and emission curves", "SOURCE": "ESO Skycalc utility", "AUTHOR": "ESO Skycalc utility", "STATUS": "Tested - Generated from ESO Skycalc utility", "DATE_CRE": date_created, "ETYPE": "TERCurve", "EDIM": 1, } params = {k: (self.values[k], self.comments[k]) for k in self.keys} meta_data.update(params) if "tab" in return_type: tbl.meta.update(meta_data) if "ext" in return_type: tbl_return = tbl else: tbl_small = table.Table() tbl_small.add_columns([tbl["lam"], tbl["trans"], tbl["flux"]]) tbl_return = tbl_small return tbl_return if "arr" in return_type: wave = tbl["lam"].data * tbl["lam"].unit trans = tbl["trans"].data flux = tbl["flux"].data * tbl["flux"].unit return wave, trans, flux if "syn" in return_type: import synphot as sp trans = sp.SpectralElement( sp.Empirical1D, points=tbl["lam"].data * tbl["lam"].unit, lookup_table=tbl["trans"].data, ) funit = u.Unit("ph s-1 m-2 um-1") flux = sp.SourceSpectrum( sp.Empirical1D, points=tbl["lam"].data * tbl["lam"].unit, lookup_table=tbl["flux"].data * funit, ) logger.warning( "Synphot doesn't accept surface brightnesses \n" "The resulting spectrum should be multiplied by arcsec-2" ) return trans, flux if "fit" in return_type: hdu0 = fits.PrimaryHDU() for key, meta_data_value in meta_data.items(): hdu0.header[key] = meta_data_value hdu1 = fits.table_to_hdu(tbl) hdu = fits.HDUList([hdu0, hdu1]) return hdu
[docs] def update(self, kwargs): self.values.update(kwargs)
def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key not in self.keys: raise KeyError(f"Key {key} is not defined. Only predefined keys " "can be set. See SkyCalc.keys for a list of those.") self.values[key] = value def __getitem__(self, item): return self.values[item] @property def keys(self): return list(self.defaults.keys())
def load_yaml(ipt_str): # TODO: why not just load, what's all of this? if ".yaml" in str(ipt_str).lower(): if not ipt_str.exists(): raise ValueError(f"{ipt_str} not found") with"r", encoding="utf-8") as fd: fd = "\n".join(fd.readlines()) opts_dict = yaml.load(fd, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) else: opts_dict = yaml.load(ipt_str, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) return opts_dict def get_almanac_data( ra, dec, date=None, mjd=None, return_full_dict=False, observatory=None, ): if date is not None and mjd is not None: warnings.warn("Both date and mjd are set. Using date", UserWarning, stacklevel=2) skycalc_params = SkyCalc() skycalc_params.values.update( {"ra": ra, "dec": dec, "date": date, "mjd": mjd}) if observatory is not None: skycalc_params.values["observatory"] = observatory skycalc_params.validate_params() response = AlmanacQuery(skycalc_params.values)() if return_full_dict: skycalc_params.values.update(response) return skycalc_params.values return response